Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year- General Pathology: Stefania Stella
- Clinical Biochemistry: Vittorio Calabrese
- Clinical Microbiology: Laura Trovato
Taught classes: 49 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- General Pathology
Provide all the scientific informations in the field of general pathology suitable for the preparation of the student for those materials which will be used after the completion of training in the dietary field
- Clinical Biochemistry
The course is designed to provide students with a good foundation of knowledge in all aspects of Clinical Biochemistry. Introducing the fundamentals of instrumentation and methodology in the clinical chemistry and biochemistry laboratory medicine, lectures will cover urinalysis testing procedures and associated disease entities, as well as analysis of other body fluids. Clinical testing using automated and manual methods, measurement of pancreatic function and intestinal absorption, renal and liver function, enzymes, electrolytes, blood gases, lipids, toxicology, urinalysis, endocrinology, neurological, dysmetabolic, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.
- Clinical Microbiology
The course aims to provide students with the cognitive and methodological tools necessary for understanding the biological and pathogenetic characteristics of microorganisms and parasites responsible for human infections. It also aims to provide the basic tools needed to understand the influence that microorganisms may have towards food.
Course Structure
- General Pathology
Frontal lessons.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
- Clinical Microbiology
Frontal Lesson. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
- General Pathology
Introduction to General pathology
-Concept of homeostasis and disease
-Causes of phisical diseases
-Causes of chemical diseases
-Causes of biological diseases
-Cellular pathology-Genetic pathology
-Inflammation: classification; types of exudate; chemical mediators of inflammation; chronic inflammation and granulomas; reparative phenomena
-The fever
- Clinical Biochemistry
1) The use of laboratory data in clinical practice
2) Analysis of Urine
3) Biochemistry of nutrition
4) Liver function and Hepatitis tests5) Blood cell count
6) Diabetes mellitus
7) Hypoglycemia
8) Free radicals in the physiology and in the pathology
9) Metabolism of ethanol and the pathology of alcoholism10) Tumor markers
11) Notes on antiaging medicine. - Clinical Microbiology
Biological characteristics of the main microorganisms:
- Structures of the bacterial cell, microbiological and pathological aspects of Bacillus, Brucella, Campylobacter, Clostridium, Enterobacteriaceae, Helicobacter, Lactobacillus, Legionella, Listeria, Mycobacterium, Pseudomonadaceae, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Vibrionaceae. Microorganisms responsible for infections and food poisoning;
- General characteristics of fungi and pathological aspects of Candida, Aspergillus and Fusarium. Mycotoxins and mycotoxicosis;
- General properties of protozoa and clinical aspects of infection caused by: intestinal amoebae, Giardia, Toxoplasma;
- General characteristics of viruses and pathogenesis of viral infections related to the gastrointestinal tract: Picornavirus (Enterovirus: poliovirus and hepatitis A virus), Adenovirus, Astrovirus, Calicivirus (Norwalk virus and hepatitis E virus), Rotavirus. Hepatitis B, C and D viruses.
Textbook Information
- General Pathology
Pontieri: Patologia Generale
Robbins: Patologia Generale
Rubin: Patologia generale
- Clinical Biochemistry
Medicina di Laboratorio, G. Federici (Autore), – Mc GrawHill Medicina di laboratorio.
Medicina di Laboratorio. La diagnosi di malattia nel laboratorio clinico, M. Laposata (Autore) - Piccin
Medicina di Laboratorio. Logica e patologia clinica, I. Antonozzi, E. Gulletta (Autori) - Piccin
Medicina dell'Aging e dell'Antiaging. V. Calabrese et al. (Autori) - Edra
Nutrigenomica e Epigenetica. V. Calabrese et al. (Autori) - Edra
- Clinical Microbiology
- Microbiologia Microbiologia clinica. R. Cevenini - V. Sambri. Ed Piccin
- Conte M.P., Mastromarino P. - Microbiologia Medica. Batteriologia e Virologia - Esculapio Medicina - IV edizione 2015