Bioinformatics Unit Winter-Spring Webinars | 4 - S. Brunak - Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research: Longitudinal Phenotypes and Disease Trajectories at Population Scale

The Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (Bioinformatics Unit) runs a series of Webinar involving renowned scientists and researchers focusing on algorithms, models, biomedical and biotechnological techniques and clinical studies and applications. The webinars are coordinated by Prof. Alfredo Pulvirenti and will be freely accessed through the MS Teams Platform starting February 2021. The fourth Webinar is scheduled for: April 9, 2021, 3 pm

Le cattedre di Bioinformatica del Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale organizzano una serie di webinar, che coinvolgono scienziati e ricercatori di fama internazionale su algoritmi, modelli, tecniche biomediche e biotecnologiche, studi clinici ed applicazioni. I webinar, coordinati dal Prof. Alfredo Pulvirenti, saranno accessibili tramite la piattaforma Teams. Il quarto incontro è previsto per venerdì 9 aprile 2021 alle ore 15:00.
Title: Longitudinal Phenotypes and Disease Trajectories at Population Scale

Speaker: Prof. Søren Brunak, Research director Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research

Abstract: Multi-step disease and prescription trajectories are key to the understanding of human disease progression patterns and their underlying molecular level etiologies. The number of human protein coding genes is small, and many genes are presumably impacting more than one disease, a fact that complicates the process of identifying actionable variation for use in precision medicine efforts.

We present approaches to the identification of frequent disease and prescription trajectories from population-wide healthcare data comprising millions of patients and corresponding strategies for linking disease co-occurrences to genomic individuality. We carry out temporal analysis of clinical data in a life-course oriented fashion. We use data covering 7-10 million patients from Denmark collected over a 20-40 year period and use them to “condense” millions of individual trajectories into a smaller set of recurrent ones. Such sets represent patient subgroups sharing longitudinal phenotypes that could form a basis for differential treatment designs of relevance to individual patients.