Course Overview

The course in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces is part of the Prevention Health Professions Class and trains health professionals engaged in the promotion and protection of public health and who carry out, with technical-professional autonomy and under their own responsibility, all prevention, verification and control activities relating to environmental hygiene and safety in the places of life and work, food and beverage hygiene, public and veterinary hygiene and health, environmental hygiene and protection.

The Degree Course belongs to the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine and is enriched with multidisciplinary skills thanks to the precious support of teachers from other Departments.

The training network includes the Medical and Veterinary Prevention Departments of the Provincial Health Authorities, the Maritime Health Offices, the Prevention and Protection Services of public and private bodies; all internship opportunities are oriented towards future professional placement.

At the end of the course, graduates will be able to perform the following functions:

- supervision and control;
- investigation;
- information;
- education in the field of prevention and protection.