Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIANPIERO EVOLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course provides students with the ability to evaluate the parameters that determine the quality of work environments, and any health risks, in the field of acoustics and vision. Students will learn to measure these parameters, compare them with any optimal or regulatory values, and then establish and implement - together with a technician - the most appropriate mitigation strategies.

Course Structure

The contents of the discipline will be discussed through traditional lectures.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge in Physics and Mathematics

Attendance of Lessons

Attending the lectures is COMPULSORY, with a minimum attendance rate complying with the requirements set by the University.

Detailed Course Content

Lectures by Prof. EVOLA (21 hours)

1) Acoustics and noise rating:

- Main definitions (frequencies, levels, dB)

- Basic operations: sums and subtractions of levels

- Physiology of the human ear

- A-weighting and normal audiogram

- Concept of equivalent level and differential level

- Effects of noise on humans

- Acoustics in workplaces: Decree 81/08

- Admissible limits and use of PPE

- Measurements: the sound level meter and related processing software

- Noise mitigation strategies in workplaces

- Examples and case studies


2) Lighting technology

- The light and physiology of the human eye

- Main definitions (luminous flux, illuminance)

- Types of lighting fixtures and their characteristics

- Criteria for assessing the suitability of light in the workplace

- On-site measurements and verification example

- Strategies for improving lighting in the workplace

Textbook Information

  1. Teacher handouts
  2. Il rischio rumore negli ambienti di lavoro, di Gabriele CampurraAndrea Rotella, Editore: Ipsoa (Gruppo Wolters Kluwer)
  3. Manuale INAIL - Corretta progettazione acustica di ambienti di lavoro industriali e non (available on
  4. Aria calore luce. Il comfort ambientale negli edifici. Uwe Wienke. Editore: Dei.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Acoustics: main definitions 
2Ssum and subtraction of sound pressure levels
3The human ear and the A-weighting 
4Equivalent level and differential level
5Effects of noise on humans
6Decree 81/08: Admissible limits and use of PPE
7Measurements: the sound level meter 
8Noise mitigation strategies and case studies
9The light and the human eye
10Illuminance and luminance
11Types of lighting fixtures and their characteristics
12The suitability of light in the workplace
13On-site measurements and examples 

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam consists of an oral test.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Sound pressure levels: definition, calculation and measurement

The human ear and sound weighting

The effects of noise on humans

Legal provisions on noise in the workplaces

The human eye and the perception of light

Illuminance and luminance: definition and measurement

Illuminance and luminance requirements in the workplace