Academic Year 2020/2021 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 8
Taught classes: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Institutions of Public Law

    The course aims to outline some essential elements of the health system, with particular regard to the system of health workers' responsibilities for medical injuries.

    With specific reference to the profession concerning the students, we will analyze the discipline that outlines the professional figure of the medical radiology technician.

    Particular attention will be dedicated to the discipline on radiation protection (from ionizing radiations), both concerning workers, apprentices, students and other subjects (Legislative Decree No. 230/1995) and regarding exposures in the health sector (Legislative Decree No. 187/2000).


    The main objective of the History of Bioethical Medicine to which Health Management, Deotology and Professional Ethics is operationally correlated is to train the medical student according to the principles of medical ethics: The History of Medicine aims to provide the medical student the contents and paths of the evolution of medical thought over time, to contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and useful references to the present, with the aim of enriching the student's culture the principle of autonomy, the principle of beneficence and non-maleficence, the principle of justice, the principle of moral integrity of the profession. These principles inspire the "good practice" whose efficiency is the foundation of correct management. Humanize Medicine, at the sick bed, in hospital wards, in outpatient clinics, to implement a clinic and assistance adequate to the needs and respect of the patient. Develop health education issues. Promote the assumption by the population of a personal responsibility towards their own physical, mental and social well-being. Promote health-promoting behaviors and lifestyles and develop the skills to participate effectively in their inpatient, outpatient and home care. Promote the health education process and encourage meeting situations between citizens and health services. Promote the quality of therapeutic services and the humanization of the doctor-patient relationship and the correct management of healthcare costs.

  • Occupational Medicine

    The aim of the course is to provide information and knowledge about workplace-related pathologies (accidents and illnesses) as well as to become familiar with prevention principles, with particular reference to risk assessment and preventive measure adoption.

    Students will have to learn methods and techniques to collect work history, identify environmental and occupational risks and possible relationships with genetic, demographic, socio-economic, psychological and cultural factors, related to health or illness statuses, as well as to look into the possible non-specific effects of occupational risk factors, especially for degenerative chronic diseases.

    The main etiologically diagnostic aspects of occupational medicine will be dealt with, and so will the epidemiology of con-causally work-related diseases. Also, the most frequent professional diseases and work accidents will be classified. The main analysis method and work risk assessment instruments will be provided, that is limit exposure levels, environmental/biological monitoring and healthcare surveillance. Also, occupational risk in/formation, safety and health law guidelines in work places, primary and secondary prevention of occupational diseases, role and duties of the competent physician will be discussed.

Course Structure

  • Institutions of Public Law

    Frontal lessons, with a daily final debate with students on practical cases.

    If the course is carried out in a mixed-mode or remotely, due to the pandemic conditions, the program planned and outlined in the syllabus won't change.


    Lectures for specific topics (presence in the classroom for Covid emergency not compulsory)

  • Occupational Medicine

    Frontal lesson.

Detailed Course Content

  • Institutions of Public Law

    - Elements of the legal order. The Constitution and the right to health.

    - Elements of the organization of the Health System.

    - The radiology technician.

    - The radiation protection laws.

    - The legal liability system for medical injuries.


    History of informed consent, and of the doctor-patient relationship. History of euthanasia. History of transplants. History of medical schools in the Mediterranean. History of hospitals. History of the birth of universities. Women and Medicine. Egyptian medicine. Mesopotamian Medicine .. Medicine among the Greeks, Romans and in the Middle Ages. Medicine from the 14th to the 21st century. Jewish and Arab Medicine. The great diagnostic and therapeutic discoveries Contemporary History: Management and Health. Optimization of care. Health economics and hospitalization management. Agenas directives. Control tools. Healthcare organizations. Health ethics of the economy and health relationship. History of informed consent and the Doctor-Patient Relationship. Humanization of Medicine. History of Quality of Life: Clinic and Assistance of subjects suffering from serious chronic disabling and incapacitating diseases. Vegetative state: Clinical pictures, care choices, support for vital functions, hydration, nutrition, quality of life. History and bioethics. Therapeutic fury, terminal illness, Euthanasia. Vegetative state. Brain death. Historical-bioethical aspects- Doctor's choices in end-of-life clinical and care management. Coma Clinical pictures and their management. ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) PEG and assisted ventilation. Genetic pathologies and their clinical pictures. Oncological pathologies. The elderly patient and his clinical and care management. Muscular Dystrophies: Clinic, Assistance, Quality of life. The epileptic patient and therapeutic choices. Epilepsy and pregnancy. The certifications. The clinical record, the guidelines for therapeutic choices.

  • Occupational Medicine

    History and evolution of Occupational Medicine: prevention service legislation and organization; work accidents and professional diseases insurance practices. Risk assessment procedure; exposure times and limit levels/values.

    Primary and secondary prevention principles. Healthcare surveillance and duties of competent physician. Biological monitoring procedures. General and individual preventive practices and first aid action organization. Biological risk and vaccinations. Physical risks: noise, vibrations, ionizing-non-ionizing radiations, microclimate and compressed atmosphere. Ergonomy principles: postures and work. Workstation, shift and night work risks. Assessment of risks in manual loads handling and in repetitive movements of upper limbs with associated pathologies. Organizational wellness and its associated work stress. Health promotion in working places.

    Main dust/fibre and professional allergene exposure–related pathologies; indoor and outdoor pollutants. Exposure risks to chemical, mutagen and carcenogenic agents.

    Principles of Industrial Hygiene and hints of Statistics. Risks in the main working cycles. Guidelines on safety and health in working places.

Textbook Information

  • Institutions of Public Law

    1) R. Bin, D. Donati, G. Pitruzzella, Lineamenti di diritto pubblico per i servizi sociali, III edizione, 2019, Giappichelli (only the chapters addressed to class).

    2) Notes on the radiation protection discipline.


    1) Paolo M. Cattorini

    Bioetica, Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare i problemi clinici, Elsevier

    2) Diego Gracia

    Fondamenti di Bioetica, sviluppo storico e metodo, San Paolo edizioni.

    G.Spagnolo,D.Sacchini, A.Pessina, M.Lenoci “Etica e Giustizia in Sanità, questioni generali, aspetti metodologici e organizzativi”ed.McGraw-hill 2004


  • Occupational Medicine
    • David Koh, Ken Takahashi. Textbook of Occupational Medicine Practice. 3rd Edition ISBN: 978-981-4329-57-6
    • Antonio Mutti, Massimo Corradi: "Lezioni di Medicina del Lavoro". Nuova Editrice Berti, 2014 (ISBN 978-88-7364-627-3)
    • Per Alberto Bertazzi: "Medicina del lavoro". Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2013 (ISBN 978-88-6030-633-3)
    • Enrico Pira, Canzio Romano, Paolo Carrer: "Manuale di medicina del lavoro". Minerva Medica, 2016 (9788877118431)