Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Sabina Antonia Donata Pittera
Credit Value: 2
Taught classes: 14 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The English Language Course provides students language skills to face fluently and correctly the professional environment.

In addition to the grammatical approach,the focus is on the acquisition of the lexicon and the communicative potential of the operator in the relationship with patients.

Course Structure

According to University regulations

Detailed Course Content

Level A2/B2

Grammatical Part:

Verb tenses,Present,Past and Future

Personal Pronouns Object and Complement

Countable and Non Countable Nouns

Modal verbs Can,Must,May,Might,Will,Shall

General Part:

Knowledge of Body Parts

Ability to speak to the patient asking for information on his health,his personal history,any diseases and operations

Textbook Information

1)Grammar Reference New Edition



2) Professional English in Use Medicine


Cambridge University Press