Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    The course aims to provide basic knowledge relating to general and social pedagogy, focusing attention on the relationship between health professionals (doctors, nurses, obstetricians, etc.) and patients, in different healthcare settings and public and private facilities.

  • Work and organizational psychology

    Developing an organic knowledge of the interactions concerning to organizational systems and the role of the variables influencing) the working behavior in organizations.

  • Clinical Psychology

    To know principles to clinical psychology

  • General psychology

    Some classic themes of scientific psychology will be addressed and the meeting points between psychology, biology and neuroscience will be identified. During the lectures, updated knowledge will be provided on some of the main areas of investigation of general psychology, and on the regulatory mechanisms of human action; some application areas will be highlighted.

Course Structure


    The lessons will be carried out through a frontal methodology but examples, readings to be analyzed and exercises from which to start to address the issues will be proposed. Lessons will be held in person, unless otherwise provided by the University and the Department for Distance Learning.

  • Work and organizational psychology

    Teaching is carried out face to face with lectures, working groups and case studies.

    Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the Syllabus.

  • Clinical Psychology

    Frontal lessons, role playing


    Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

    Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

  • General psychology

    Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus

Detailed Course Content


    Teaching aims to gain knowledge with respect to the following topics:

    - meaning and epistemological status of pedagogy

    - analysis of pedagogical models and the new frontiers of education

    - theoretical models studying communication

    - elements, functions and limits of communication

    - elements and functions of non-verbal communication

    - relationship between communication and educational relationship

    - rethinking, in the contemporary age, roles and functions of social and health workers, social workers, tutors, teachers, school leaders, family and institutions in general, with a view to integration and educational and social inclusion

    - be aware of your own communication and relational modes

    - knowing the intertwining of emotional and cognitive processes in communication and interpersonal relationship

    - know how to create climate and active listening contexts

    - know verbal and non-verbal communication: reference theories

    - education in communication and authentic relationships

    - know the relational models doctor/physiotherapist/patient

    - know problem solving

    - know how to analyze case studies and problem solving

    - know functions and the role of the physiotherapist/tutor

    - learn about the functions and skills of the Tutor

    - learn about the laws and debate of tutoring in Italy and Europe

  • Work and organizational psychology

    The birth of the working subjectivity

    The Scientific Management

    The discovery of the social nature of work

    Organizational development

    The organizational culture

    The organizational climate

    Communication in organizations

    Group, work group, team work


    Negotiation in organizations

    The skills

    Work stress



    Ergonomics in organizations

    Total quality

  • Clinical Psychology

    Acquisition of a theory of psychological that allows the use of intervention techniques in the light of a specific theoretical model. Lesson will be proposed in order to develop specific skills for conducting an intervention, with particular reference to the stages that characterize it: observation, exploration, interpretation will be highlight. Integrated management of the main methods of clinical psychology, such as interview, assessment, reporting, analysis of the demand.

    Critical review of the basics of psychological intervention. Contextualization of the major theoretical and operational issues within a clinical psychological approach in the light of an integrated theoretical perspective. Focusing on early intervention. Efficacy and effectiveness.

    Content of the training

    - The different theoretical models in clinical psychology.

    -assessment In clinical psychology.


    -treatment in clinical psychology.

    -Analysis of psychopathological case series.

  • General psychology

    Introduction to General Psychology: Historical background and scientific basis of psychology • Perception • Caution • Learning • Emotions • Intelligence • Human communication • Stress Health and Coping

Textbook Information


    - P. Mulè, Ruolo e competenze del tutor nella relazione educativa tra docente e studente universitario non udente, Cooperativa Sociale Ragazzi n Volo a.r.l. Onlus, Catania 2012

    - M. Sammaruga, Comunicare con il paziente, Carocci Roma 2005

  • Work and organizational psychology

    Gabassi P.G.; Psicologia del lavoro nelle organizzazioni; Franco Angeli

  • Clinical Psychology

    Kring A.M., Davison G.C ., Ne a le J.M., Johnson S.L. (2013). "Psicologia clinica (quarta e dizione )". Bologna :Zanichelli .

  • General psychology

    1. Abazia Leonardo, Avallone Vincenzo Compendio di psicologia per loperatore sanitario. Area infermieristica, tecnica e riabilitativa F. Angeli 2016 (first part capp. 1,2,2,4,6; second part capp.1,2; fourth parte capp.4)

    2. A text chosen from the following:

    • B. Cannella, P. Cavaglià, F. Tartaglia L’infermiere e il suo paziente, Casa ed. Ambrosiana 2001 (in particolare: pag.22-27, pag. 35-47, pag. 49-52. Pag. 65-71)
    • Agata Romeo La parola modifica il corpo. La comunicazione medico paziente nella malattia oncologica CUECM 2019
    • Daniel Goleman Intelligenza emotiva (in particolare: prima, seconda e quarta parte) Rizzoli
    • Rampin M. AnconelliL. Gestire la crisi Tecniche psicologiche e comunicative in emergenza Ed. Libreria militare 2010