Anno accademico 2018/2019 - 1° anno
Docente: Eliana Guglielmino
Crediti: 2
Organizzazione didattica: 50 ore d'impegno totale, 36 di studio individuale, 14 di lezione frontale

Programmazione del corso

 ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1The Hospital- vocabulary (jobs, verbs, departments)T. Grice, Nursing 1, Oxford English for Careers, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2013 N.Vince 
2Listening and speaking activities (admission, a Job interview) Reading activitY (the nursing profession) Writing activity (a job application) 
3Facing accidents and emergencies (first aid, giving instructions, describing and assessing pain) 
4Listening and speaking activities (giving and following instructions, describing pain) Reading activities (Pain) 
5Signs and symptoms of a shock 
6Writing activity (Writing a pain report) 
7Monitoring the patient (Readings and Vital Signs), describing readings 
8Listening and speaking Activities ( A scan, Reporting the patient’s progress) 
9Signs and symptoms of Hypothermia 
10The passive form 
11Reading Activities ( General anaesthetic) 
12Medication (types and forms of medication) Dosages